Dovedale Nursery


Dovedale Nursery

Mission Statement

To provide a safe, stimulating, happy and nurturing pre-school environment where children can learn happily and confidently, through play.


We'll invoice you half-termly and appreciate your prompt payment. If half-termly payments don't suit your family budget we can work out a weekly or monthly plan. Please speak with our Nursery Manager in confidence.

Certain children in the Nursery will be eligible for Government funding. We offer the 30 hours entitlement when available. We have discounts for full year contracts and accept Childcare vouchers from employers.

Absences and Unavoidable Closures

In order for our Nursery to remain financially viable, if your child is absent due to sickness or holidays their place must still be paid for. However, if the Nursery has to close due to unforeseen circumstances you'll be credited with the session fees or offered a replacement session.


There are currently no vacancies
Dovedale Nursery